May 2021 - Sharon Procter Registered Osteopath

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May 2021

Practice information at Chessington during Covid-19
Please cancel your appointment if on the morning of your appointment you are unwell. There will be no cancellation fee charged.
I will not be treating if there is the slightest change you or I have Covid-19 symptoms.
The Clinic
Please wait in your car when you arrive and I will text you from a text only phone to come towards the clinic, I will come and meet you and check your temperature with a non-contact infra-red forehead thermometer before you enter the Clinic.   Fabric chairs, couch covers, and unessential items have been removed to reduce the risk of transmission, special wipe clean plastic pillow coverings have been acquired. Ventilation is required in the room and Electric fans and heaters are not allowed to be used during Covid-19 restrictions. You may like to bring a towel/covering for warmth.
What to expect when visiting during Covid-19
Please bring a drink if you think you might need one as we do not have a drinking water tap in the treatment room. We ask you to come in alone (or explain to the me when making your appointment) and leave unnecessary items in your car. If you are not coming by car, please let me know and kindly wait away from the door to leave social distancing from someone leaving the Clinic. I will be wearing PPE and will come and find you, please do not ring the doorbell.  Hand sanitizer will be available for when you enter the Treatment Room.  You might like to bring shorts and vest type garment to wear during treatment or use the towel if you bring one.  Certain face to face techniques will be avoided.  Covid-19 is a novel virus that we do not fully understand.  Many patients have mild symptoms or no symptoms at all, a small minority can become extremely ill and tragically some die. Please understand that it is impossible to completely remove the risk of infection, even if you have been vaccinated. I also understand I may pick up the virus from you, but we will work together to aim to protect each other.
There is Legal requirement for you to sign a declaration and consent to treatment form when you arrive.
After each appointment an appropriate gap is allow for PPE change and disposal, ventilation and disinfectant of treatment room.  Please leave promptly as cleaning cannot be started until you have left, we need time for the process and drying time before the next patient.
Payment of fees
Initial £55 and subsequent appointments £50 . No cheques please, online, cash payments and card machine available.  No change will be given for cash payments any overpayment will be offset against the next appointment. The cash will be placed in an envelope and sealed for a period of isolation.

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